The Bimbles
by John Matthews
Crash Issue 35, Dec 1986   page(s) 69

Producer: Intech
Retail Price: £3.00
Author: John Matthews

Here's a game which heralds its arrival as 'the game no-one's been waiting for', and luckily this kind of honest humour carries on throughout the proceedings. Theme-wise the program borrows much from the Wombles, a bunch of ecologically sound furry eccentrics who once inhabited a TV slot just before the BBC news.

This game is Quilled and mailorder only, but it is friendly, funny, and captivating in a barmy sort of way so I'll take you through the plot to see what you think of it.

It looks like these Bimbles are just as green as their more famous counterparts, as they are very worried at the new developments in Bombledon Park which threaten to destroy the local ecosystem - not to mention their own cosy burrows. Your task, as Fungo, is to find out who is digging up the place and to stop them before the next set of Yuppie apartments are laid out.

Much of the game's strength lies in its useful examine command, and in the option offered on conversing to the various odd-bods who inhabit the warren of burrows which is your home.

The graphics wouldn't win any art prizes (or perhaps they are so bad that these days they just might), but there is a good sense of colour - fairly simple but worth seeing nonetheless.

Mapping this game is quite straightforward as there are no magic wands continuously whizzing you from place to place, or any other such disorientating influences to contend with.

The first of the looney characters you meet is Great Uncle Buggeria who strains through his 36 pairs of spectacles to utter 'Puss will get greasy if she is not sheltered from the rain' to which Fungo quite rightly retorts, 'Oh shut up you doddering old fool', whereupon the Great Uncle drops dead. Several other characters spout these cryptic nonsense's, but how much you will make of them I'm not sure. Perhaps the most intelligible one comes from Madame Croquet in her kitchen who supplies the puzzle, 'My basil pie should keep the cars off.'

On eating the pie you munch into a screwdriver, which doesn't say much for madame's cooking but does give you another useful object in a seemingly unending list. However, the program is generous, allowing you to carry ten objects at any one time. One of these, a physics book, is curious in that it can lead to an untimely instant death, and yet it cannot be dropped.

In one area we team of a Bogeymoron, who would seem aptly named as his heroes are Clive Sinclair and Graeme Kidd!

This is another example of the game's honest humour, which is really it's overriding theme. As one final example I'll leave you with one of the comments you get on entering something it just can't understand: 'OK, OK, so again I bore you with the same message, but if I had enough memory left you wouldn't have this problem'.

Bimbles is available from 35 Lindale Av, Preston PR2 5LL.


Difficulty: easy to get into
Graphics: none worth mentioning
Presentation: colourful
Input facility: v/n
Response: Quill, very fast

REVIEW BY: Derek Brewster

Addictive Quality76%
Summary: General Rating: Funny.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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