They Sold a Million 3
The Hit Squad
Sinclair User Issue 57, Dec 1986   page(s) 59

Label: Ocean
Author: various
Price: £9.95
Joysticks: various
Memory: 48K/128K
Reviewer: Graham Taylor

The latest compilation from Ocean is a possible gem in that it contains at least one classic program - Digital's Integration's Fighter Pilot.

It's certainly the best flight simulation available for the Spectrum. Not only does it have all the detail and handling accuracy you'd expect but you can take part in very realistic air battles and blow things to bits. A must for your collection.

You get three other titles on this tape: Ghostbusters, Kung Fu Master and Rambo. Ghostbusters was never much of a game (he asserts boldly) being several different bits stuck together - the map bit, the car-fit bit and the ghost-getting bit. What made the game was the astounding music on the Commodore - distinctly lacking on the Spectrum (except 128). Sprites are grotty - attribute problems abound.

Kung Fu Master is a fairly recent release and basically you wander across several screens kicking you way through to the usual princess in the last screen. Take in chucked objects, dragons and numerous guards and that's the game. The graphics are nasty and whole game feels sluggish.

Rambo is Commando - a plan-view-kill-absolutely-everyone-except-the-captured-GI's affair.

REVIEW BY: Graham Taylor

Summary: Fighter Pilot makes this one a winner. As well as that you get some fair bonus titles.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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