Cassette A
Orwin Software
Sinclair User Issue 24, Mar 1984   page(s) 4

Memory: 16K
Price: £6

Cassette A from Orwin Software is a collection of 11 short programs written largely in Basic and including arcade-style and mind games. It is an enterprising collection with some very good ideas, although many of the games suffer from the inevitable slowness of Basic programming. It is possible, however, to look at the listings and some of the programming techniques are interesting.

Among the more worthwhile programs are Ghost Gobbler, a Pac-man-style game with a choice of six skill levels; Reversi, a version of the well-known board game which plays a remarkably good game; Phoebus, a colourful tile-sliding game; Black Spot, an updated version of the old favourite, Snake; Minefield, where you must drive a tank around a minefield, picking up crowns and avoiding the electrified fence.

There is also a graphics demonstration program with good, inventive use of colours and shapes. On the whole it is reasonable value but is chiefly of interest to beginners rather than arcade game freaks.

Gilbert Factor5/10
Transcript by Chris Bourne

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