Five Star Games 2
Beau-Jolly Ltd
Your Sinclair Issue 19, Jul 1987   page(s) 60


There's a compilation to suit almost every taste these days, from Rainbird's Silicon Dreams collection of early Level 9 adventures to Durell's excellent set of simulations and shoot 'em ups, Big 4. Compilations are big bucks - which is why every company and its dog seems to have one out at the moment. So which is the best bargain? Here's a brief guide to some of the latest releases, in what's likely to become a semi-regular feature. Although we've referred to the original reviews (the dates in brackets are the issues they first appeared in), we've judged the games by today's standards and some of the marks may be a smidgin different. So leave off with the Trainspotter letters, eh, guys? We know what we're doing. I think!


A really spanking collection, every game a megagame Dandy (Dec '86) was Electric Dreams' quick-off-the-mark attack on the Gauntlet craze, and although it hasn't quite the appeal of some of the later variants, it's still a highly skilled shoot 'em up with excellent graphics. Cauldron II (Sept '86) was a platformer with an original slant - still one of Palace's very best. Quazatron (June '86) was another Hewson winner - Marble Madness mixed with Paradroid, if you get my drift. And with Alien Highway (July '86), Vortex's superfast reworking of Highway Encounter, and Piranha's Strike Force Cobra (Nov '86), a very complex 3D combat game that kept Phil glued to his screen last autumn, it all adds up to a compilation of the highest calibre. Get it!

REVIEW BY: Marcus Berkmann

Award: Your Sinclair Best Buy

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Sinclair User Issue 65, Aug 1987   page(s) 79

Label: Beau Jolly
Price: £9.95
Memory: 48K/128K
Joystick: various
Reviewer: Tony Dillon

Dum de dum de. Dan danna. Dooo doo (Drum roll.) Yes, it's compilation time again and here's your host, Beau Jolly. What a wonderful night we could have if the price is right. One lucky winner could walk away with Alien Highway if they can get the catchphrase, which is of course more of the same with the roving salt cellars. Or, if you can score 101 or more with 6 darts Dandy is yours, yet another Gauntlet variant. Remember, when Bob says Sincerity Sucks, Cauldron II will belong to you, starmaker, and bouncing pumpkins could well provide hours of fun. There's a good chance though that you'll like Quazatron, a mix of Paradroid and Marble Madness, so press your buttons and gamble away. And Strike Force Cobra is a game you'll like if you play your cards right (and also if you like kicking doors, like wot I do!!)

If you have none of the games, this is an essential purchase. If you have some it's good value and if you have all of them why are you reading this!!?!

REVIEW BY: Tony Dillon

Summary: Good compilation. At least three very good titles and the other two are OK.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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