Oliver's Music Box
by Malcolm Shykles
Cosmic Pop
Crash Issue 30, Jul 1986   page(s) 92


This month, JOHN BATES casts his eye over another music utility for the Spectrum - from COSMIC POP - and solves the 128K's mysterious Z Code conundrum with a little help from a reader in Morecambe.


Producer: Cosmic Pop
Retail Price: £11.95
Author: Malcolm Shykles

This is another program that is designed to let you input music in conventional notation form and then play it merrily back. It features a good set of readable music graphics and can cope with the efforts of the less musically literate who are given lots of on-screen help. All the weird and wonderful complexities of music that musicians tend to require are also catered for. However, the software does have one or two oddities! After a neat loading screen the menu appears with the usual options: write your tune, edit it, play it back, store and load from tape.


If you are yer average beginner then the 'enter new tune' part of the program couldn't be more helpful. There are on-screen displays of time and key signatures that take a lot of the worry out of selecting which one you require. Whilst I was able to select any key signature, the on-screen help only gave me the keys using sharps. I sharps and flats were shown against the note rather than at the beginning, as a proper key signature. With a scrolling screen this was not such a bad idea as you are able to spot the sharps and flats immediately without having to remember the key signature.

The display has a miniature keyboard running across the screen. This looks pretty but is in fact mute. It could have been made to light up as the note is entered at the appropriate key. Notes are entered, by the way, from the lower two rows of qwerty keys. Like several other programs of this type, a set of stickers or an overlay would have been more than welcome; I predict a busy time ahead with scissors and sticky tape for purchasers. Each note is entered from the qwerty keys: by depressing the note value key crotchets, quavers and so on flip round in the upper part of the screen. You pick which one you want and each note beeps as it is entered.

The display is limited to a miserly one octave in the treble clef. To get outside this range the program as to be told to go up or down an octave the number of octaves you have moved is shown by an arrow against each note. It is very easy to forget which octave range you are in, and as nearly all tunes wander outside the bounds of a single octave you are constantly dodging about from octave to octave, which is a mite frustrating. It also makes the displayed tune very difficult to read, which rather defeats the main object of the program. Perhaps it would have been better to have a two octave range available to work in.

In the writing mode there are plenty of options to insert and delete notes at any point. Notes can be tied together and, yes, I couldn't get my version to untie itself at all, so I was left with tied notes ad infinitum. Oliver's Music Box can play staccato notes (a musical term that means short and spiky); oddly enough there is no option to do the musical opposite - legato: (smooth notes), which was a bit of an oversight.

More niggles: any decent music writing program should have a copy and repeat facility. That is to say, any part or all of the tune can be copied to another section and any defined section can be repeated a number of times. This saves lots of tedious rewriting of the same notes over and over again. Unfortunately this facility is lacking.


To correct bum notes you select a 'step-back' option. However my version replayed the whole tune minus the last note. This process was also repeated when the 'delete' option was selected. Not so good.

Having completed your merry tune the editor mode allows a final check, playing through whilst flicking each note on screen as it is encountered and played. Great, but if a bungle occurs you can't stop it playing and displaying, which rather hampers speedy corrections - you have to wait till the whole tune has played through, by which time you've forgotten where your mistake was as it has disappeared off screen!


There are two distinct ways of playing back the tune. One merely plays it back with no notation displayed. Fine. The other plays it while flipping through the onscreen pages of manuscript. This causes an unfortunate and perhaps unavoidable hiccup in the tune - the central processor stops playing for a fraction of a second and scurries away to flip the screen. I suspect the prime aim is that you can accompany the tune written with another instrument whilst reading it off the screen. If you are unable to play along in any particular key, the tune can be transposed for you, accurately and with the correct display.

Having played and checked through your ditty you can save to tape and grab a hard copy from a printer. One problem I encountered was that it proved very easy to lose hours of work by accidentally going into the new tune mode rather than the editing department, thus instantly wiping what was written in. Definitely a need for a safety catch here in the form of a confirming yes/no prompt.


Oliver's Music Box has been designed with more than half an eye on the educational possibilities to be had from playing along with your Spectrum. Hence the different playing and editing modes and copious on-screen Information. However, despite its musical accuracy and helpful nature, the program fails to achieve its object because of the rather annoying hiccups and peculiarities that it contains. Some of the editing features refused to work as promised in the instructions. The stubborn way in which it only displays one written octave of music is a major shortcoming - playing along with it or reading the notes is a real pain as you have to look at little arrows all over the place to see if each note sounds as it is written. All in all the concept is good but in its present form the program is a bit self-defeating.

The Music Box comes complete with a selection of tunes that must have been culled from a recorder primer. Fair enough, but they do go on a bit, especially the minute ragtime pieces and Sousa marches. Not really a selection of music to galvanise you into action. What's more, once each one starts you can't stop it... If some of the features were tidied up, Oliver's Music Box would be quite good. I understand that a 128 version is in the pipeline, which could be lots more fun if a few wrinkles were ironed out during the conversion process.

Cosmic Pop, P.O. Box 475, London E4 BUD

REVIEW BY: Jon Bates

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Sinclair User Issue 54, Sep 1986   page(s) 72

Label: Cosmic Pop
Author: Malcolm Shykles
Price: £5.95
Memory: 48K/128K
Reviewer: Graham Taylor

When reviewing any music product for the Spectrum, no matter how clever it is, it's always difficult to resist the feeling that the whole business is a pretty pointless exercise.

Pointless anyway if you are seriously interested in music. One monophonic line of melody, one completely characterless Beep sound - what less could you ask for?

Oliver's Music Box allows you to enter musical notes from the Qwerty keyboard, see them displayed in a fair copy of conventional music notation, and play the music back in different keys and pitches.

Music Box has some nice features. The main thing is it looks good. It has probably the most accurate visual representation of sheet music I've seen in a Spectrum music program. The crotchets, quavers and minims, along with sharp, flat and other annotations, look right - maybe you could even print this stuff out and play it. There are problems, however.

Music Box falls down in its editing facilities. The first irritation is in entering the music - you must select not only note duration, key and sign but also octave. This can take quite a while and reinforces my belief that relying on pure keyboard entry (rather than say, some sort of joystick controlled on-screen system where you 'place' notes on the screen leger lines) is a mistake.

If the above is (maybe) a matter of taste, the correcting, deleting and inserting facilities surely are not. In order to delete a note you have to hear all the notes from the beginning, deleting a whole bar of notes therefore involves hearing the tune from the beginning to that point for every note in the bar.

The best that can be said of Oliver's Music Box is that it works, is slicker than the majority of similar offerings and has as wide a range of features as you need worry about given the hardware capabilities.

I should add, however, that the general fiddlyness of actually using the package might put you off completely.

A 128 version is expected and that could well be a different ballgame entirely.

REVIEW BY: Graham Taylor

Summary: Looks good with some sophisticated features. Spoilt by over-fussy input and correction procedures.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment) Issue 6, Mar 1988   page(s) 79

Cosmic Pop, PO Box 475, London, E4 9UD

Oliver's Music Box
Spectrum 128

Both these packages are intended to cope with 'music inputs and processing' and have a few features which their creators claim are unique. Both use conventional music staves but can cope with tied notes (notes joined together with a line which indicates that their values are to be added together) even if they cross bar-lines. The Spectrum 128 can't be connected to a printer while it's in 128K operating mode, so there is no printing facility on the Music Composer, but otherwise the two packages are pretty similar.

Music Composer does allow you to use the Spectrum's noise generator which is not normally accessible from 128K BASIC, and thus lets you create drum sounds as well as musical notes, the nature of the drum sound depends on the musical pitch and envelope you choose, and the tied notes are another effect inaccessible from the Spectrum's sound chip.

Oliver's Music is a simpler version of the same package for a 48K machine. The difference is that it allows you to print out your music, entering notes from the keyboard in more or less the same way. Whether printing is of any interest to you depends on what applications you'll find for your music.

In the Final Check mode. Music Box fills up the empty staves a note at a time, which is a good way of spotting mistakes in your programming. 5600 note capacity and 15 demo tunes make this one pretty good value for money too.

REVIEW BY: Mark Jenkins

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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