The Really Easy Guide to Home Computing: The ZX Spectrum
by Ruth Clark, Sue Beasley
Century Communications Ltd
Sinclair User Issue 34, Jan 1985   page(s) 129


Century Publishing
Price: £6.95

The Really Easy Guide To Home Computing, by Sue Beasley and Ruth Clark, adopts the discovery led method of learning. There are lots of cartoons and funnies interspersed throughout the text to aid the user, based on the characters of Mike and Rose and Inspector Key. Those characters at times can be a little overwhimsical which, in a way, detracts from the text.

It has to be asked, however, whether yet another book on learning Basic is necessary. Learning Basic at all is considered in some quarters to be inferior to learning Logo as a first programming language at nine plus. As The Really Easy Guide to Home Computing is aimed at that age-group, it would seem that it could be superfluous on two counts.

REVIEW BY: Theodora Wood

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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