Jungle Warfare
by Adrian Ludley, Chris Graham, Code Masters Ltd, David Whittaker, Jason Falcus
Your Sinclair Issue 47, Nov 1989   page(s) 31

An out'n'out Op Wolf clone. You scroll sideways through a series of backdrops, from airports to bridges and jungles, as a battalion of enemy soldiers, choppers and tanks comes into your sights. You must shoot them in order to stay alive. (Nah, you don't say!? Ed) Unfortunately, you have limited ammo, so splattering the gooks all over the landscape on rapid fire is fun but won't get you far. The graphics aren't too bad, and there's some impressively life-like banging noises as your gun goes off. I think I could do without the screen flashing every time you shoot though. It's not half as bad as the Phaser but a little divot of earth flipping up to let me know where I hit would suffice. Still, the game isn't too bad, just a little bit repetitive, and it's obviously the ideal sort of thing to use a lightgun for.

REVIEW BY: Phil South

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 69, Oct 1989   page(s) 12,13

Author: Jason Falcos

Level after level of hostile forces to destroy - tanks, 'copters, jeeps, crack commando snipers, enemy aircraft... the list goes on. It's taken from Super Tank Simulator (reviewed this issue), the action viewed side on with the scenery scrolling right to left while you shoot at a seemingly endless onslaught of enemy troops.

REVIEW BY: Richard Eddy

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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