by Arno van der Hulst
Your Sinclair Issue 61, Jan 1991   page(s) 97


Fasten your seatbelts and get ready, 'cos here comes that RICH PELLEY ruffian again with another batch of your home-grown games.

Er, hi there, crap-fans. How are you? I really can't be bothered to write one of my usual 'witty' intros for this issue - I'll just leap right in and start if that's okay with you. Not forgetting to briefly mention what I thought of your pitiful efforts this issue of course. Er, how shall I put it? Um, I know. Perhaps you'd care to join the dots... Perhaps you'd care to join the dots...

By Arnold Vld Hulst (!)

This one's from Holland - but that's no excuse. It's a bit weird actually, although quite good in the originality, graphics and sound departments, but just, as I've said, a bit mad.

Right, what happens? Well, you're this little bloke - and there are lots of boxes and lots of squares and you have to push the boxes onto the squares. But everything's in a sort of maze, so you can only push the boxes from certain angles in certain directions - you have to work out how you can push the boxes and manoeuvre around them so that you can push them onto the squares? Geddit? Oh. Well, how about a joke instead then? What's the best way to get a wild duck? Buy a tame one and annoy it. Erm...

Everything's done really nicely though - there're tons of levels (with passwords) and also an editor to create your own. Quite good, but due to its severe weirdness (and the fact that hard as I try I still can't get my head around exactly what I'm supposed to be doing). I'm forced to lower its mark a bit. Hah! Serves him right for calling me Jonathan.

Right, that's your, er, fill for this month. Don't forget to send all your offerings to me, however crap - although the good ones are nice to have too! The address is Rich Pelley, Crap Game Corner, YS, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath BA1 2BW. You could even win a badge if your game appears. (Or something like that anyway. We haven't quite decided yet.)

REVIEW BY: Rich Pelley

Blurb: Only one girlie fan letter this issue - from Gillian who lives in Sheffield. Hi, Gillian! And remember, ladies, keep those letters/games/underwear coming in!

Technical Ingenuity82%
Crap Factor46%
Transcript by Chris Bourne

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