Make Music
by Dan C. Webb
Buffer Micro Ltd
Sinclair User Issue 30, Sep 1984   page(s) 6

Memory: 48K
Price: £6.95

Make Music, published by Buffer Micro Ltd, is one of the best music programs available. It permits you to create three-track harmonies, using two octaves of piano-style keyboard for each track. It is designed to be used in conjunction with any sound board which uses the AY-3-8912 chip, for example Fuller, ZON or Timedata.

Using the ZXM Timedata board, you can produce good-quality harmonics with a minimum of practice. Unlike some other music programs, it allows you to hear the music as you play. It also remembers your tunes. So you play on one track at a time and hear the other two while you play. You can also ask the program to repeat sections of music automatically, or to move rapidly forwards or backwards through a recorded tune.

The volume and tone of each track can be altered and recorded tunes can be edited. The only disadvantage to Make Music is that the instructions are not entirely clear and so the exact order of operations needs some thought but that does not detract from its overall quality.

REVIEW BY: John Lambert

Gilbert Factor8/10
Transcript by Chris Bourne

ZX Computing Issue 19, Jun 1985   page(s) 49

Buffer Micro Ltd.
3120 Streatham High Rd
London SW16 6HG

For use with any programmable sound peripheral using the AY-3-8912 chip, this simulates a three channel recorder. Could be useful.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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