The Beer Hunter
Global Software
C&VG (Computer & Video Games) Issue 59, Sep 1986   page(s) 65

SUPPLIER: Global Software
MACHINE: Amstrad 464/664/6128; Spectrum 48K
PRICE: £7.95

"An adventure for Amshtrad computersh" is the introduction to this light-hearted adventure, which lays no claims to be difficult or complex.

The party you are at is in imminent danger (shock, horror) of running out of beer, and your job us to rescue the situation. Trouble is, the town is deadsville - not a pub around worth drinking at. All the decent ones have been turned into trendy wine-bars.

If you're really desperate for booze, you'll grab anything going, and some stale lager outside the pub is too good to leave, but dubious in hindsight.

Down in the cellar, however, there is only one barrel, and it's empty. Seems the landlord gets his beer as powder in a sachet, and merely mixes it with water!

Your travels in search of ale take you as low as the sewers, and as high as the rooftop of the Barbican. There are bars everywhere, but you don't seem to be able to get any beer...

Anyone with a taste for Real Ale will enjoy the humour in this game.

Plotted in the Globe and Engine over much Shepherd Neame Masterbrew (if a bit sleepy, a wonderful pint when well-kept) it was written using Incentive's Graphic Adventure Creator. Or at least, it claims to have been 'originally developed' on the GAC, whatever that might mean.

Although the parser accepts multiple commands and full sentences. I found the actual vocabulary a little lacking.

However, the overall impression is of a game that's fun to play. and not too difficult once you get used to operating the display system.

REVIEW BY: Keith Campbell

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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